Keep learning while on the go.

Audioslides from Superlectures recordings

With the increased popularity of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) now you can learn almost about anything, provided that you have access to an Internet connection. What happens when connectivity is not available? Some online courses will allow you to download the contents (usually videos) and watch them offline. However we felt that this solution was not flexible enough.

We have created a way to embed a full lecture containing slides into a single downloadable item (which we call audioSlides). AudioSlides are a special kind of electronic book. You will be able to listen to the lecture as you view the slide that is being presented, which changes automatically when the speaker changed it in the talk. You can even jump forward (or backwards) to a particular slide, having the narration follow to the point in the talk where that content was presented.

In collaboration with Superlectures, on their website we are offering for free all their recorded talks in the audioSlides format (explore also their feature-rich player in case you are online).
When clicking on the epub3 icon in your mobile device the system should prompt you to select one of the readers available (we recommend using ibooks or Kobo readers). Alternatively, you can import the audioSlides by following these instructions for the Ibooks reader on IOS or for the Kobo reader on IOS and Android

Wanna try? Check out this talk given at ASRU 2013 conference by Marçal Gavaldà from Expect Labs.